Tualatin man spent 22 months as a Marine on front lines of Korean DMZ, facing off with communist Chinese  

 Full Military Honors were provided for HM2 Joseph H. Lipscomb, a “Greenside” Corpsman, Jan. 17. He served in 3-1-1, “Thundering Herd”, 1st Marine Division, in the Nevada City Area, northwest of Seoul, Korea.  Stationed along the front line and the DMZ, Lipscomb courageously work as a combat corpsman.

In retirement, Lipscomb’s passion for service never faded. He advocated for the Veterans Memorial at Tualatin Commons.

As he had informed his family and others that he wanted his service to be performed by Marines, and that’s what he received thanks to the MCL USS Oregon Chaplain Gary Brannon who had discovered that based on Lipscomb’s DD-214 the cemetery had arranged a naval honor guard.

“When I found that out, I met via phone with his family, the funeral home and HQMC to ‘unravel the mystery,” explained Brannan. “I was able to unravel the situation, and his service was performed by our Marines.”  Brannan added that a naval petty officer and seaman showed up to perform the service and that petty officer assisted 6th ESB’s gunny SOIC in folding the flag.



