You’re invited to join your fellow Marines in our mass formation (6th ESB, Vietnam Tribute Corvette, RS Portland, 1st Mar Div, Women Marines, Marine Corps League, Koh Tang Survivor Truck, Vietnam Tribute Truck, Lewis & Clark Young Marines & Tualatin Valley Young Marines!) We’re one-of-the, possibly THE, largest unit in the Parade, highly respected and expected …AND you need to be with us!!!
Please find attached: aerial diagram of our muster location, formation diagram and parade route
Uniform of the Day:
Most of you know the drill, just join us and have fun in the sun on this day of celebrating our Nation’s Independence, Freedom and Corps!
And for units seeking to grow, keep in mind that presence is the 1st step in outreach…
Try to be at 3rd & Grant by 0800, otherwise you could get stuck being blocked by police protecting participants in a running event. Parking for vehicles not in the parade is available in lots marked in yellow areas on the attached parade route diagram, otherwise it’s on a ‘first-come-first-available’ basis in crowded neighborhood streets…
As before, the disband location is Hare Field, so for an easy exit you may want to park there & walk the 6 blocks to the muster location.
For the few who don’t want to walk, there will be limited seating in a couple of vehicles, pre-positioned at the muster location.