Come to a meeting or download the Membership Application and follow the instructions.
New Members: – $45.00
Annual Renewal – $40.00
Lifetime Membership. After one year in good standing in the Marine Corps League, you can become a Life Member.
If you are 35 years of age or younger ____ $1,000.00
If you are 36 to 50 years of age _________ $800.00
If you are 51 to 64 years of age _________ $600.00
If you are over 65 years ________________ $400.00
85 and over______________________________Free
Membership Types and Requirements
Regular Member: You must have served in the United States Marine Corps or FMF Corpsmen for more than 90 days, the character of your service has been honorable, and if discharged you received “Honorable Service.” (“Honorable Service” will be defined by the last DD Form 214 or Certificate of Discharge that the applicant received). General Discharge under Honorable Conditions is acceptable and be willing to provide proof of service (DD-214) with your application. Active Regular Members help the Detachment when they serve on committees, programs, and events, and hold appointed or elective offices. Missing your DD214? Visit the National Archives.
Associate Member: Open to all supporters of the Marines. To become an Associate Member, you must support the aims and ideals of the Marine Corps League. Active Associate Members help the Detachment when they serve on committees, programs, and events, and hold appointed offices. Associate Members are not permitted to hold an elective office or to vote on Marine Corps League policy, a membership application, or an election of officers, Dues for Associate Members are the same as that of a Regular Member.